A series of cultural and political events -music, poetry, talks, films and exhibitions to mark the 50th anniversary of the bloody coup d’état of 11 September 1973. Programme still in development for September 2023 with participation of FABULA ( For A Better Understanding of Latin America ) 1 - Edinburgh Read more…

Book Launch – “Aye Venceremos – Scotland and Solidarity with Chile in the 1970s – and why it still matters today.

Satinwood Suite, Glasgow City Council, Central Chambers, George Square,, Glasgow

The new book celebrates acts of Chile solidarity in Scotland in the 1970s, including the action by Rolls Royce workers in East Kilbride. It also describes the welcome given to refugees at the time. All this is set against events in Chile before and after the Coup, with eye-witness accounts Read more…

Public event hosted by the Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)

STUC, 8 Landressy Street, Bridgeton,, GLASGOW, G40 1BP

This is the main public event in Glasgow. All welcome! Speakers, music, food and wine available Please register for the event here >> so that the organisers can best cater for the food and wine!

Cantos Cautivos: Collecting, preserving, and disseminating music histories from political detention centers in Pinochet’s Chile

ONLINE ZOOM MEETING Over a thousand political detention centers existed in Chile during the dictatorship led by General Augusto Pinochet (1973–1990). Music was commonly present in these places, where thousands were tortured, disappeared, and executed. This presentation focuses on the digital platform Cantos Cautivos (Captive Songs), led and edited by Read more…